GPA Essay Winners

George P. Austin Jr. High School's eighth grade students participated in the Alabama ABC Board's Essay, Video, and Poster Contest 2024. The school's essay winners were Joshua Welch in first place, Ahmad Rembert in second place, and Madison Agee in third place. Congratulations to these students and a special appreciation to Ms. Bruno and Mr. Pritchett for ensuring that EVERY eighth grader participated in the contest.

With funding from the National Alcoholic Beverage Control Association, the ABC Board urged students in middle and high school to create movies, write essays, and make posters to dissuade youth from underage and binge drinking. First, second, and third-place awards were given to the winning entries in the middle school and high school categories. $300 went to the first place winner, $200 went to the second place winner, and $100 went to the third place winner.

You can read more about the Alabama ABC Board Essay, Video, and Poster Contest 2024 and the winners by following the link.